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August 10, 2022

A Look Inside an AMMO Workshop

For every company, communication is a fundamental factor in maintaining a stable relationship with each one of your target audiences. If there is a lack of communication on your team and everyone is not on the same page, you may find your communication feels a bit discombobulated. True Digital Communications can assist your leadership team in getting everyone back on the same page, aligned with company goals and objectives. An AMMO Workshop uncovers deep insights from you and your team and brings clarity to your strategic digital marketing plan.

The True Team will lead a discovery session with your leadership team in a manner that uncovers key insights in an efficient way and explores the four parts of AMMO, consisting of Audiences, Objectives, Messages and Methods.


When preparing a marketing strategy, it's essential to know who you are trying to reach - your target audiences.  During the AMMO Workshop, True works with you to identify your target audiences and talk about what motivates them. Together, we talk through any pain points they have and find ways for you to better connect with them. Some questions asked during a discovery session include:

  • Who needs to hear your message?
  • Who is missing?
  • Who can benefit most from your presence?  

It’s common for many companies, especially in the building products industry, to have multiple target audiences within their marketing strategy. By asking these questions, you can prioritize which audience you want to reach and help get the most out of your marketing budget.


After your target audiences are defined, we’ll move onto your objectives. Your objectives should be SMART - Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. We explore what you want each of your target audiences to think, feel and do. For example, if your target audience is contractors, what do you want them to think about your brand? What do you want them to feel when talking about your brand? And finally, what do you want them to do, or what actions do you want them to carry out regarding your brand? These think, feel, and do statements create the messaging that pairs up with a specific audience and assists with conversions at various stages in the marketing funnel.


Once objectives are determined, it becomes clear what you need to say to engage your audiences. We   identify content pillars, messaging and refine your brand story. With this knowledge, we can help you figure out what methods are most effective to reach your target audiences.  

“We believe when working with our clients, we can dive into the details and unlock opportunity in every brand,” Chief Visionary Officer, Chris Baldwin said, “and AMMO is a simple, yet effective planning tool to help us do this.”  

Some questions we ask during the AMMO Workshop are:

  • What do we need to say to each audience to achieve your objectives?
  • What messages will resonate with your audiences?

Whichever tone or style is right for the brand, it’s important to make sure you’re direct and clear with your audience. Brand messaging is one of the main ways to foster a meaningful connection with your target audience and achieve any objectives you may have as a brand.


Once the messaging is nailed down, we will explore how you can reach your audiences. For example, during the AMMO Workshop, True will ask:

  • What is the most effective way to connect with each audience?
  • What has worked in the past?
  • What may work better in the future?

Some effective ways to communicate with your target audience include:  

  • Your Company Website  
  • Paid Search Campaigns
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Email Nurturing Campaigns

While some of these methods may not fit your marketing strategy, the True team can identify what platforms will resonate with your target audiences and provide a return on investment (ROI).

If you’re interested in seeing if an AMMO Workshop works for you, get in contact with us today!  

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