Chris Baldwin

Chief Visionary Officer

When Chris started True Digital Communications in 2011, digital agencies weren’t around. But Chris felt that digital belonged in the bullseye, so when he saw an opportunity to do better, he jumped on it. He is imaginative, observant, enthusiastic, and personable. Chris is a Kent State alumnus and has been in the industry for 30+ years. He is a strategist, teacher and networker who takes pride in seeing people work together to do great things.

As the Chief Visionary Officer of True, Chris focuses on making sure our team is successfully collaborating on solutions for our clients’ challenges. His goal is to make digital simple and create lasting partnerships along the way.

Chris is a proud partner of Worldcom Public Relations Group, an international network of PR agencies. This partnership has allowed Chris and True Digital Communications to gain new insights that enhance our services and help us work smarter.


Business Development
Strategy Development
Behavior Design

How He Thinks – Myers Briggs

How She Thinks – Myers Briggs

Curious and creative mind
Extroverted and excellent communicator

As CEO and Founder of True, Chris is constantly keeping on top of digital marketing trends. Learn about his specialities.

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