Benjamin Obdyke, one of America’s leading providers of high-quality roof and wall building solutions, was introducing HydroGap SA, the first-ever self-adhered weather-resistive barrier (WRB) that incorporates a true drainage space. They wanted to mount a multi-level campaign to generate interest in pre-orders for the product, drive traffic to the website, and maximize excitement about the product launch.
The True team developed a multi-pronged content strategy that would result in highest impact and broadest reach, specifically to pros, dealers and other professionals in the home improvement industry. This was an opportunity to introduce and educate those who sell and work directly with these products about the benefits of this new product.
Recognizing that people get their information in a variety of sources, True developed a multi-faceted content plan, conducted SEO research, and led a public relations outreach with a virtual press tour to create demand for the new housewrap product via as many outlets as possible. The ultimate goal? Drive traffic to the Benajamin Obdyke website.
Learn how True reached 2 million HVAC professionals and contractors through targeted content and media outreach.